Tips for Migrating from Eclipse to IntelliJ - Re-learning shortcuts and other Tips

Migrating from Eclipse to IntelliJ:  Re-learning shortcuts and other Tips

As a long-time Eclipse user(Spring Tools Suite and Groovy and Grails Tools Suite), the transition to using IntelliJ was jarring in many ways.  Keyboard shortcuts are different, the layout is different and the way you do things is different.

It is worth it to go through with the transition.  Auto-complete and searching is better.  Logs and consoles are better.  The tooling is better.  There are plenty of articles out there that highlight the changes.  Most importantly though is that it is does everything you need well and is very fast.

Here are some things that will help with your transition:

How to Change the JDK

Setup the JDK locations

Here you will want to setup the location of the Java SDKs you have installed.

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S -> Platform Settings -> SDKs:  Change JDK

Change the JDK path in IntelliJ
Update the JDK in the IntelliJ IDE

Setup the Project SDK

Then you will need to set the Project SDK

Then go to Project Settings -> Project and change the Project SDK

Set Project SDK in Project Structure
Set Project Java SDK for IntelliJ

Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a mapping of Eclipse vs IntelliJ keyboard shortcuts.

Here are a couple of the most used:

  • ctrl+n:  Find a file by class name
  • ctrl+shift+f:  Search the entire project within files for a string
  • ctrl+s:  Save all files
  • ctrl+shift+N:  Find Resource

Grails Specific Shortcuts
  • ctrl+alt+G:  Open Grails Command line(Run Grails Target)

Here is a more comprehensive list:

EclipseIntelliJ IDEADescription
F4ctrl+hshow the type hierarchy
ctrl+alt+gctrl+alt+F7find usages
ctrl+shift+uctrl+f7finds the usages in the same file
ctrl+shift+rctrl+shift+Nfind file / open resource
ctrl+shift+x, jctrl+shift+F10run (java program)
ctrl+shift+octrl+alt+oorganize imports
ctrl+octrl+F12show current file structure / outline
ctrl+shift+mctrl+alt+Vcreate local variable refactoring
syso ctrl+spacesout ctrj+jSystem.out.println(“”)
alt + up/downctrl + shift + up/downmove lines
ctrl + dctrl + ydelete current line
???alt + hshow subversion history
ctrl + hctrl + shift + fsearch (find in path)
“semi” set in window-> preferencesctrl + shift + enterif I want to add the semi-colon at the end of a statement
ctrl + 1 or ctrl + shift + lctrl + alt + vintroduce local variable
alt + shift + salt + insertgenerate getters / setters
ctrl + shift + fctrl + alt + lformat code
ctrl + yctrl + shift + zredo
ctrl + shift + cctrl + /comment out lines (my own IDEA shortcut definition for comment/uncomment on german keyboard layout on laptop: ctrl + shift + y)
ctrl + alt + hctrl + alt + h (same!)show call hierarchy
none ?ctrl + alt + f7to jump to one of the callers of a method
ctrl + shift + ialt + f8evaluate expression (in debugger)
F3ctrl + bgo to declaration (e.g. go to method)

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