Add Stormpath User Mgmt Dependencies to Grails

Add Stormpath User Mgmt Dependencies to Grails

How to add dependencies for Stormpath to your grails application.

In your BuildConfig.groovy in the dependencies section you need to add 3 dependencies.

These artifacts are up to date as of 2/2/2015 so you may need to look up the newest version here:

Here are the dependencies you need to add.

dependencies {

        //Stormpath user mgmt
        compile 'com.stormpath.sdk:stormpath-sdk-api:1.0.RC3.1'
        runtime 'com.stormpath.sdk:stormpath-sdk-httpclient:1.0.RC3.1'
        runtime 'com.stormpath.sdk:stormpath-sdk-oauth:1.0.RC3.1'

Here are the original Maven imports in XML format for reference:

<!-- This next runtime dependency is only necessary if you have
     a REST API and you want to secure it with OAuth: -->

Stormpath allows you to rely on their secure infrastructure so that you can focus on writing your application code:

I use Stormpath as a plugin with Heroku


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