How to Suppress FindBugs Warnings using Annotations in a +Spring Boot and +Java Application If your build is breaking because of a FindBugs issue and it is a false-positive or you are unable to resolve the issue because of other considerations, you can add an Annotation to ignore the Findbugs warning. Update your Gradle Dependencies You will want to add the following compile time dependency to your build.gradle file. compile group: 'findbugs', name: 'findbugs', version: '1.0.0' dependencies { compile group : 'findbugs' , name : 'findbugs' , version : '1.0.0' } Get the Findbugs Issue ID You will need a specific ALL_CAPS identifier so that FindBugs knows what bug to ignore. Locate the FindBugs Report In your build message, you will see a link to the findbugs report: file:///Users/canata/IdeaProjects/projectname/build/reports/findbugs/main.html You can also find the report in your buil...